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The relationship between forearm skin speed-resolved perfusion and oxygen saturation,
and finger arterial pulsation amplitudes, as indirect measures of endothelial function Sara Bergstrand 1, Maria-Aurora Morales 2,...

Predictive value of reactive hyperemia for cardiovascular events in patients
with peripheral arterial disease undergoing vascular surgery Alex L Huang 1, Annemarie E Silver, Elena Shvenke, David W Schopfer, Eiman...
Statins enhance postischemic hyperemia in the skin circulation of hypercholesterolemic patients:
a monitoring test of endothelial dysfunction for clinical practice? Christian Binggeli 1, Lukas E Spieker, Roberto Corti, Isabella...
Postischemic forearm skin reactive hyperemia is related to cardovascular
risk factors in a healthy female population Pascal Vuilleumier 1, Dumeng Decosterd, Marc Maillard, Michel Burnier, Daniel Hayoz...
Postischemic blood flow response in hypercholesterolemic patients
D Hayoz 1, R Weber, B Rutschmann, R Darioli, M Burnier, B Waeber, H R Brunner Affiliations expand PMID: 7649588 DOI:...
Individuals at increased coronary heart disease risk are characterized by an impaired microvascular
are characterized by an impaired microvascular function in skin R G IJzerman 1, R T de Jongh, M A M Beijk, M M van Weissenbruch, H A...
Skin blood flowmotion and microvascular reactivity investigation in hypercholesterolemic patients wi
patients without clinically manifest arterial diseases M Rossi 1, A Carpi, C Di Maria, F Franzoni, F Galetta, G Santoro Affiliations...
Microvascular and macrovascular reactivity is reduced in subjects at risk for type 2 diabetes
A E Caballero 1, S Arora, R Saouaf, S C Lim, P Smakowski, J Y Park, G L King, F W LoGerfo, E S Horton, A Veves Affiliations expand PMID:...
How microcirculation data have changed my clinical practice
Gustavo Luiz Büchele 1, Gustavo Adolfo Ospina-Tascon, Daniel De Backer Affiliations expand PMID: 17468566 DOI:...
Reactive hyperemia and cardiovascular risk
Andrew Philpott, Todd J Anderson PMID: 17881738 DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.107.149740 No abstract available Comment on Predictive value of...
Reactive hyperemia revisited
Daniela Calderaro, Maristela C Monachini, Carolina L Z Vieira, Pai Ching Yu, Danielle M Gualandro, Andre C Marques, Bruno Caramelli PMID:...
Are vascular function measurements ready for the clinic?
This editorial refers to ‘Flow-mediated changes in pulse wave velocity: a new clinical measure of endothelial function’†by K.K. Naka et...

Cross-sectional relations of digital vascular function to cardiovascular
risk factors in the Framingham Heart Study Naomi M Hamburg 1, Michelle J Keyes, Martin G Larson, Ramachandran S Vasan, Renate Schnabel,...
Reliable endothelial function testing: at our fingertips?
David S Celermajer PMID: 18474821 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.775155 No abstract available Comment on Cross-sectional relations of...
Effect of cardiac sympathetic nervous activity on mode of death in congestive heart failure
H P Brunner-La Rocca 1, M D Esler, G L Jennings, D M Kaye Affiliations expand PMID: 11428854 DOI: 10.1053/euhj.2000.2407 Abstract Aims:...
Peripheral arterial responses to treadmill exercise among healthy subjects and atherosclerotic patie
among healthy subjects and atherosclerotic patients A Rozanski 1, E Qureshi, M Bauman, G Reed, G Pillar, G A Diamond Affiliations expand...
The post-occlusive hyperemic response in patients with systemic sclerosis
F M Wigley 1, R A Wise, J Mikdashi, S Schaefer, R J Spence Affiliations expand PMID: 2242060 DOI: 10.1002/art.1780331103 Abstract We...
Endothelial function predicts future development of coronary artery disease:
a study of women with chest pain and normal coronary angiograms Raffaele Bugiardini 1, Olivia Manfrini, Carmine Pizzi, Fiorella Fontana,...
Assessment of peripheral vascular endothelial function with finger arterial pulse wave amplitude
Jeffrey T Kuvin 1, Ayan R Patel, Kathleen A Sliney, Natesa G Pandian, Jacob Sheffy, Robert P Schnall, Richard H Karas, James E Udelson...
Brachial artery vasodilator function and systemic inflammation in the Framingham Offspring Study
Joseph A Vita 1, John F Keaney Jr, Martin G Larson, Michelle J Keyes, Joseph M Massaro, Izabella Lipinska, Birgitta T Lehman, Shuxia Fan,...
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